Monday, April 2, 2012

Do you have communication skills?

Communication skills with sameness and difference. We have found that most people can improve when it comes to communication. There is lots we can all do to develop healthy communication skills.

Social anxiety, Aspergers syndrome, Autism, Love addiction, Hypersensitivity to this world and the common wounds we carry from childhood and past events in our lives all affect how we relate.

Typically these labels all denote there is something lacking. Yet in the way we work and view communication we actually think these labels and/or the common hurdles people face in relating is because we share the traits of many disorders at varying degrees. The spectrum of various mental and social disorders is vast. Therefore there may NOT be anything to fix or in lack it maybe a blessing and something for us all to embrace and learn from as a culture.

How powerful and truly with grace is our communication?

The impact of Autism and Aspergers in the world for example is being recognized in a multitude of ways. Communication skills and solutions come in many forms. There are many courses, coaching options, dietary gluten free solutions and new educational systems are being formed to accommodate this awareness ? an endless array of ways to create and develop communication skills.


A PERSPECTIVE ? being self consciousness

In our experience in working with our own children and many other children and adults with sensitivities to this world, we have developed some NEW perspectives on what affects communication skills. The reason and possible benefit of Aspergers, behavioural problems, lacking communication skills and Social Anxiety is what we have investigated and researched.

We generally don?t question the way people relate yet we all at some point experience frustration, anger, resistance and inertia in our relationships. We often blame others yet often whatever irritates us in others is something we cannot embrace or see in self. There truly is a way to perceive life, relationships and communicate that creates oneness and less separation with one another. The power of relationships that have this intention means all parties can grow and evolve. There is space, faith and an energetic synergy that invokes greatness and the ability to overcome limitations.

Until that is where we come from we all do many things to avoid connection ? we disconnect in various ways when we relate and all of this can improved. When we communicate effectively we build healthier relationships in our lives which automatically provides us with more energy and creates success. We need to become conscious of how we affect our reality. Not just through verbal communication but to start to value energetic ? vibrational communication ? that which we don?t see yet we 100% know occurs.


* Dislike socializing and/or small talk

* Being unable to maintain eye contact

* Racing through each day talking at one hundred miles an hour

* Have lots on the go and mask it as ?I am just ADD? keeps you disconnected and busy

* Not being able to focus on a project or job and/or not being able to complete tasks so feel inadequate

* Feeling anxious and self conscious when in conversations with people unable to relax and enjoy connection

* Finding it hard to create intimacy so avoid it with excuses

* Float through life under some guise of ?being spiritual? avoiding physical world structures

* Feeling inadequate in love and with the opposite sex

* Never present to conversation or person ? mind always analysing what people are saying, no space for communion

* Obsessed with relating always have to talk it through no space for resolution without words and the power of energetic transference

* Unable to request what I want without getting angry and/or manipulate others

* Not knowing how to follow lists/own instructions

* Mis-match what people say ? always say NO when people offer suggestions

* Feeling uncomfortable with being touched

* Cannot see another persons point of view

* Rigid thinking ? create defensive situations with people we love and most often with customer service agents

* Humiliating the people we love in public

* Never experiencing human regret and lacking empathy


We relate in this way and class it as ? normal?.

It maybe normal yet it ain?t really conducive to connection. It creates disconnection ? separation ? duality between ourselves and others.

The brain chemistry and functionality affects behaviour as does collective and individual limiting belief systems, past trauma and experiences, the foods we eat and the processing of emotion. For many of us we relate best in our own worlds. Often people with the labels Aspergers and varying degrees are difficult to connect to. They prefer their own isolated world. That can apply to most of us without being diagnosed with this label.


How many people actually create language, conversations and dialogue that opens the space for other to connect?

How many of us really intend to create connection in our exchanges with one another?

How many of us genuinely feel connected to self?

Are you caught up in the drama of your life missing the magic of the moment and the connection possible?

Our mind controls most of us, we are engaged in our bodies functions and/or our emotions dictate our actions as we bottle all up and ?try? to function as best we can in the world. When this is how we operate we may THINK we are communicating well yet vibrationally we emit a disconnect. We wonder why our reality is what it is?

In the work we teach we unravel this epidemic and the misconception about COMMUNICATION. We discover with brutal self honesty how we keep connection away. We face the limitations of our neurology and use energy medicine to open the brain to function with left and right hemispheres operating in tandem. We value vibrational communication ? the mastery of many of the children born today who look like they do NOT communicate well yet are speaking with us all the time. Yet not in ways we can see or value. We clear up many of the confusions families face so parents understand the mystery and magic of their children. We clear and balance the physical body of allergies so its is functioning at its optimum level. We find what is the motivator for you to join the world, connect and want to be aligned with the inter connectedness of life. We create a vibration of unity with our life system and the world. We teach you how to be present, to truly be available for intimacy and communion.

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